Athelas continually strives to improve and expand the services we provide and the resources available to the individuals we serve.
It's a constant challenge.
With each passing year, as the individuals we serve continue to age, as their needs increase, as the requirements for providing quality services grow, and as we continue to struggle with reduced funding from Federal, State and local sources, we at Athelas often look to raise additional funds in order to expand our resources, improve our facilities and enhance our programs.
Some of the areas we continually look to improve and which consistently require additional funds:
- Continuously upgrading and maintaining all our facilities which are focused on enhancing safety and quality of life for all our staff and individuals;
- Enhancing and expanding our technology and business systems to keep up with ever changing requirements;
- Enhancing and expanding our training programs for staff development;
- Acquiring furniture, assistive technology and educational software in all of our programs for our individuals, especially our Autism Program.
Beyond these brief examples, there is a wealth of opportunities for individuals, civic groups, organizations, students, and companies to become involved with our agency and be enriched by the clients we serve.
"You want to help?" . . . . Just click on the "Donate" or "Volunteer" links below !